SV Tech Ventures is originated from Weiming Angels Club. From there, we extend our community by inviting entrepreneurs and hosting the annual summit in Silicon Valley for in-depth investment discussion.
Weiming Angels
Since 2014
Weiming Angels is a newly formed network of Angel Investors. We have more than 40 angel investors, and we're rapidly growing. We focus primarily on early-stage startups with less than $10 million in valuation. A subgroup meets every month to select 3 to 4 projects to be presented to the whole group. Interested investors will then team up to follow up with the company to finalize the investment.
SV Tech Ventures Summit
Since 2016
An extraordinary educational and networking event that’ll bring together founders, CEOs, distinguished leaders/influencers, venture capitalist and high-level executives for in-depth discussions and thoughts sharing about the latest industry trends, opportunities & challenges in the dynamic tech and business world.
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